
[Feedback] src/jamf_pro_sdk/clients/pro_api/ may get unwieldy

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The current behaviour is to put all the functions for all the pro endpoints into the file. I realise this allows calls like

ifrom jamf_pro_sdk import JamfProClient, BasicAuthProvider

client = JamfProClient(
    credentials=BasicAuthProvider("username", "password")

all_computers = client.pro_api.get_computer_inventory_v1()

but when the number of endpoints gets high this file will grow to be difficult to deal with.


I would propose that in the directory there could be a file computer_v1 which contains (among others) the function get_inventory then the call would be:

from jamf_pro_sdk import JamfProClient, BasicAuthProvider

client = JamfProClient(
    credentials=BasicAuthProvider("username", "password")

all_computers = client.pro_api.computer_v1.get_inventory()

System Information

SDK version 4.0a

My second thought would be to make ProApi a derived class and make a base class for each of the endpoints in its own file. Then the calling style would stay the same.