
Sorry, you are not an admin!

OnkelM opened this issue · 1 comments

OnkelM commented

Is this project still active?

i created the bot, got the token, entered the docker settings in the compose file and run the docker

the only response i get from my bot is "Sorry, you are not an admin!"

i tried to change the environment TELEGRAM_BOT_ADMINS to my currently used Telegram Name, still the same output
i created a username for my telegram account and added that to the environment, still the same output
i tried to undocument the line in the compose file thinking that in the README it says it is optional and uses nul, still the same output

what am i missing here

OnkelM commented

sorry nevermind, somehow it works now, it seems the bot was just not ready yet because the username replied that is not an admin was an empty string. after more wait time after starting the docker image it works now