
Cordova Speech Recognition Hangs in Andriod on Background Mode

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We are integrating speech to text Voice Conversion Bot. To convert user speech input to text, we are using this cordova plugin. It is working as expected when user start speaking on clicking 'mic' button, speech to text conversion is displayed in the UI.

Issue happen If i am in Voice Bot UI Screen and minimize the app, so app will be moved to background right. If again moved to foreground and if we click 'mic' button. It hangs and we are not getting any speech output. Need to kill the app and launch again in order to use Speech to text conversion.

Note: This issue is happening only on Android Device. IOS is working Fine.Also

Appreciate for Quick Help Thanks.

cordova --version  7.0.0
cordova platform version android     6.2.3

Plugin version

cordova plugin version | grep phonegap-plugin-speech-recognition   0.3.0

Issue is resolved. It's related to Android Device. we test the same in another device. It's working as expected.