
Recording time and events triggered [ Android ]

Opened this issue · 2 comments

So I tested on 3 different devices the different behavior of how the events ( onerror, onend, onspeechend, ... ) are triggered and it all time change from a android version to another.

For example : when no sounds is detected ( no one speaking )

->on android 6.0.1 is like 3s , then it triggers onspeechend event then onerror are triggered
-> on Android 5.1 is like 5s and then the onerror is triggered and comes later the onspeechend

I am wondering how can I change this time of listening before triggering anything.

Ideally I woulk like to trigger the listening when i push on a button and it will have to stop when i press another one, but this doesnt seem to be possible.

I have a lot of difficulties to establish something stable on all android versions.

Any hints ?

Thanks for the work this is great plugin !

I try to capture audio on android 5.0 and 6.0 but when i click the button nothing append only a fast console result is always undefined but object recognition exist...I think recognition.start is veryvery fast (a lot of ms)...

I am trying to deal with the same problem. The length of time allowed for speech to start can vary greatly. It would help somewhat if the events now unused were made available in this plugin--especially the start and end of audio capture.