
Spurs break underlines

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Super-niche and nitpicky bug report, maybe just a heads up:

Newsreader's font capital letters spurs on bottom horizontal legs terminals descend below baseline, what in combination with text-underline-offset computed at around 1.2px slightly unexpectedly interrupts link underlines under letters "L", "Z" and "E" in Firefox on Windows:

Words "Chrome, Edge and Safari" in nice serif font and thick tight underline that does not go below descender of the letter "g". The underline is interrupted under the right side of the letter "E" in "Edge".
Capital Es in "Experience" and "Eden" interrupting an underline.
Capital Z in "Zach Leatherman" also interrupting an undeline.

Interestingly, in Chrome the text-underline-offset must be even tighter to produce similar result.

Thanks for the issue @myfonj, I will let @colepeters know about it.

Thanks for flagging this, @myfonj! I’ve fixed this in f4d714b