
Syntax error on execution

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey there,

first of all thanks for sharing this script. I'm experiencing the following error while trying to pull my favorites section and can't figure it out:

./ line 265: ((: count< 48 && count<  : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "<  ")

I copied the line from the script:

for (( count=0, page="$STARTPAGE"; count< "$WPNUMBER" && count< "$favnumber" ; count=count+64, page=page+1 ));

Any ideas why this is happening? I'm running Arch with the latest packages installed. Let me know if you need more information. Thanks!

Should be fixed now, its a bit ugly but given that the whole favorites thing needs to be replaced to be able to download more than the default collection it should suffice

Yes, the issue is resolved, thank you very much!