
Sound does not work offline

Closed this issue · 12 comments

@winwakr found this fix for the time being:

A snippet from

For example, a trusted local HTML file may permit an untrusted local SWF to script it by setting allowScriptAccess="always". However, an untrusted local HTML file may never permit an untrusted local SWF to script it, regardless of the value of allowScriptAccess.

To have flash trust your local SWF, you must add your google_pacman
folder to the allow list using your Flash Control Panel.

  1. Adobe Flash Control Panel:
  2. Click Edit Locations
  3. Click Add Location
  4. Browse to your google_pacman directory
  5. Click Confirm

Read more about this issue here:

This would be awesome if we had sound. Keep up the good work.

music seems to be working for me (with the latest code in my fork - latest in the main for too I believe). All that I can't see is a mute/unmute button.

browner87, does your music/sound work locally? Or only when uploaded to a server?

sorry, I tested and only from a server version. I don't know exactly how to 'localify' the links, but the link for the sound file is line 3097 of pacman10-hp.2.js

  g.flashIframeDoc.write('<html><head></head><body><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="0" height="0" id="pacman-sound-player" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param name="movie" value="logos/swf/pacman10-hp-sound.swf"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <object id="pacman-sound-player-2"  type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="logos/swf/pacman10-hp-sound.swf" width="0" height="0"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> </object></object></body></html>');

That path looks OK to me, but doesn't seem to work
Can anyone fix that?

Sound worked fine for me with a checkout of this repository, using Firefox 3.6.3, and Flash 10.

Try it with those versions. I'm running Firefox 3.6.3 flash version "WIN 10,0,45,2" and I don't get local sound. However if you're dying to play it after it's off google find a free website site and make a simple website and just upload these files. I personally just have a server in my closet, but I'm a bit more into that sort of stuff ^_^

I was just thinking it would be neat for people download and just play. Not everyone has access to a webserver. Thanks for all your help though :)

Like I said - go somewhere like and upload these files and BAM you have your own site with PACMAN on it!

Might it be possible to just use github's subdomains to host this so sound works for everybody?

As I understand it, if you create a branch named gh-pages, the whole thing should be accessible from

That is based on It make take a little while after making the branch before it works though.

I have found another way to get the sound to work offline. I used a freeware app called TINY Web Server, along with an AutoIt script to make it work. Basically, this is what happens:
Launch my AutoIt script -> it starts the TINY.exe process with required params -> wait until the process exists -> execute the rest of script -> opens GUI with an embedded IE object that navigates to
The ONLY thing that doesn't work yet is the start up tune. ALL the other sounds work fine. If you would like to check it out, give me holler. Hope this helps. (<

Thanks to Barry Silverman, this is no longer an issue. No special action needs to be taken in order to get sound working in offline mode. Clone the latest commit and you'll have a 100% working version :)

@macek: Hmm.... for some reason I now get no sound at all whatsoever with the latest version. Any ideas?