
Check box serialized twice with 'false'

ttamaranazc opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm serializing a form, when I check a checkbox(consider, id=mytestbox), it is serializing the checkbox twice with value 'false'.
It was expected that one with 'true' and another with 'false'.

Actual serialized string: mytestbox=false&mytestbox=false
Expected: mytestbox=true&mytestbox=false

I have read this article.

What could be the reason for this?

The reason for this is, check box value is 'false'. So it is serialized as 'false' even it checked.

issue: <input id="mytestbox" name="mytestbox" type="checkbox" value="false">

Fix: <input id="mytestbox" name="mytestbox" type="checkbox" value="true">