
serializeArray 's problem

erstens opened this issue · 1 comments

<form id="f1">
 <input name='status' type='radio' value='0' checked/><!-- check this -->
 <input name='status' type='radio' value='-1'/>
<form id="f2">
 <input name='status' type='radio' value='1'  checked/>
 <input name='status' type='radio' value='2'/><!-- after check this -->

var form = $('#f2').serializeObject() ;
alert(form.status) ; //print '0'

//why ???
//use serializeArray() ,'form.status' ,print 0
I need your help .

macek commented

Unless I'm overlooking something, this issue appears to be invalid. I added a test to assert that your forms are encoding correctly. Both assertions passed without having to change any code

it("should pass issue #107", function() {
  var $form1 = $('<form id="f1"><input name="a" type="radio" value="0" checked/><input name="a" type="radio" value="-1"/></form>');
  var $form2 = $('<form id="f2"><input name="a" type="radio" value="1"  checked/><input name="a" type="radio" value="2"/></form>');
  assert.deepEqual($form1.serializeObject(), {a: "0"});
  assert.deepEqual($form2.serializeObject(), {a: "1"});

If you're still having trouble, can you provide more info?