
Feature Request : Any plan to extend the code possibility to other Keyboards ? (french AZERTY for example ^^')

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Hi Eric !
Now that I am able to use crazy-cow, I'm expecting a lot about it : basically the possibility for all rM users to actually have the 'insert text' tool they wanted for so long !
And I'll stop here because I'm afraid the list certainly is much longer...
This being said, I'm thus wondering how difficult/annoying it would be to add the possibility to tell crazy-cow what kind of keyboard you want to use, and in what language you want to write. (For me it would be french AZERTY, to be able to produce those accentuated letter: é à è ù ...)
My point is that currently, eventhough I'm pluggin a french AZERTY keyboards in the rM Tablet, the input are identified as QWERTY keyboard input. So when I type 'a' on the keyboards, I got a 'q'
I think this is not related to the keyboard itself but to the way crazy-cow is interpreting a specific key combination as the action of drawing the corresponding letter/symbol. Right?
In this case, I guess implementing an AZERTY keyboards would first require the code to convert a french font (with the specific accents) to drawing actions, and then being able to tell between a QWERTY or AZERTY keyboards (or at least the possibility to tell the code what the keyboard actually is.)

Thanks for your time, if ever you have some to give in this direction. Thanks for your current code anyway !

Hi Darius, and thanks for this! I actually run into this problem myself, because one of my favorite (or favourite) mobile keyboards is British. So still QWERTY, but with scrambled (or unscrambled) punctuation. I'm sure there's a nice way to detect this and do the right thing, but I've not had time to look into this yet.

To anyone reading this who liked i18n coding challenges ^^^^^ :]

Wow found this project I haven't tried it yet bot wow.
For me it sounds like close to cellwriter, but sure integrate such UI to remarkable it's chalange and looks like someone got idea.
Why I mentioned cellwriter because it's able to recognize different characters and it has train mode. You just choose what unicode subset you want to support spend a bit time in train mode and it works. But never tried with french diacritic symbols.