New Relic Super Mario Demo for Conferences


:: install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt


:: New Relic Ingest key
setx NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY enter_nr_ingest_key


:: Number of lives player has, default is 1

:: Start from world number (1 to 8), default is 1 (see

:: Title text, default is "-New Relic Demo-" (note: only A-Z and Dash are allowed)
setx GAME_TITLE "- New Relic SKO Demo -"
  • Review the AutoHotKey scripts

    • starthere.ahk: this will prompt user for their Name, Email and Company Name before they start the game. You can customize the message by changing the InputBox (e.g. translate to French for example)
    • completed.ahk: this will show a Dialog message after user completes the game. Again, you can customize the message here
  • Build the starthere.exe file by double clicking on the starthere_build.cmd file

  • Build the completed.exe file by double clicking on the completed_build.cmd file

  • Import Super Mario dashboard into New Relic using the nr_dashboard.json file, make sure you modify the "accountId" field with your accountId

During the Conference

  • Plug in the USB controller
  • Double clicking on the StartServer.cmd file to start listening for events (only need to do this once)
  • Double clicking on the starthere.exe file. They will be prompted to enter their name, email and company name (only need to do this once)
  • Explain the rules to the attendees:
    • They have only 1 life, if they die, it's game over
    • Prize will be given to top 3 players who completed the level the fastest AND at the same time, collect the most coins
  • Game will start after they provided those information (user will need to press the Start button on the controller)
  • Coins collected and Time remaining stats will be pushed to New Relic and the dashboard should show updates every 5 seconds
  • When user dies or completed the level, the Emulator will be closed and completed.exe will be launched automatically (by Python)
  • A dialog will appear thanking user for playing. Click any button will launch starthere.exe automatically and the next player can start
  • Open New Relic dashboard on Chrome and install this extension to force the page to refresh every 30 seconds (we have to do this because the leaderboard chart will only refresh once every 24 minutes, because the date range is since 1 day ago)
setInterval(() => { window.location.reload(); }, 30000)


  • You can start the Emulator in standalone mode by running this command Mesen.exe /fullscreen smb.nes