
Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to -9836

mascondante opened this issue · 6 comments

git clone results in above error. Google says it's because support for TLS below 1.2 was removed.

Would you be kind enough to please provide the output of running:


on the system you're reporting the problem on and paste it in. Thanks.

ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.5.8
BuildVersion: 9L31a

sourcing a different git from tigerbrew I get a little more info:
Cloning into 'macports-base'...
warning: Protocol restrictions not supported with cURL < 7.19.4
fatal: unable to access '': error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version

I went ahead and downloaded macports with TenFourFox. I got a modern Git working. The dependencies might assist you with getting things up to speed. Looks like OpenSSL, Perl and cURL and their dependencies are what's needed for your git satisfy github's requirements. At least on an older PPC machine. Here's the log of me getting it done:

You need to try this:
git clone
It might work.