KeyError: oauth_token
danielholm opened this issue · 7 comments
Trying to use the 2.0 script and tweet an image. I've registred for all the necessary keys at both Twitter and TwitPic, but I get this when I attempt to run the scipt:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/daniel/.sharecenter/plugins/twitpic/", line
446, in
service_key = opts.service_key,
File "/home/daniel/.sharecenter/plugins/twitpic/", line
139, in init
self.access_token = oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(access_token)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oauth/", line 142, in
key = params['oauth_token'][0]
KeyError: 'oauth_token'
Did you correctly assigned access_token value? access_token value should be in type of oauth_token=%s&oauth_token_secret=%s
I used the command line version.
I mean, was your access_token value in the form of oauth_token=(Your OAuth Access Token)&oauth_token_secret=(Your OAuth Access Token Secret)
Please check your oauth_token. You have to escape the ampersand character if you run in command line.
Ah, ok. I just copied the command from the README and replaced the argument variables to the keys that I have: -k CONSUMER_KEY -s CONSUMER_SECRET -a ACCESS_TOKEN -t SERVICE_KEY -m TWEET -f FILE -k fgsgfjh4r34-s abcvdsfh12323 -a fdsdfsarg34534534 -t 234234sgsdgdfg -m Messgae -f file.jpg
oh... so your ACCESS_TOKEN is not in the form of oauth_token=(Your OAuth Access Token)&oauth_token_secret=(Your OAuth Access Token Secret)
. You should make it like this: oauth_token=fdsdfsarg34534534&oauth_token_secret=accesstokensecret12345
Saberre is correct, based on the error you are getting, it is likely that you have a malformed ACCESS_TOKEN and should be in the form that he described. On another note, I made recent changes to this library. There is now a bash auto-complete script to upload photos with.
Thank you, I'll take a look.