
Cannot create a file named starting with ._

Opened this issue · 4 comments

To reproduce it, use the command touch ._normal.

You will receive the following error message: touch: ._normal: No such file or directory.

Is this possibly a special file unique to MacOS? Can we consider adding an option to enable the creation of these files?

alexfs commented

I was able to create such a file with bindfs.

I try this demo, but it still doesn't work.

Based on your description, it is possible that there is a compatibility issue between the winfsp/cgofuse library and fuse-t.

alexfs commented

I will investigate this issue. It only happens when trying to create such a file under a root folder. Could be a macos bug because files starting with ._ are known to be a resource fork file types.

alexfs commented

I can confirm it's a macOS bug which can be reproduced by mounting an NFS/SMB volume and trying to create a dot-underscore file on the root volume