Anyway to have alexa resume position when playing via my dot? Anyway to skip ahead/back via voice interface?
arooni opened this issue · 1 comments
Thanks so much for what you've created... it does work great on my android devices... but now, I'd like to get Alexa Dot integration working. I can say
"Alexa, ask Plex to play the album "Norse Mythology"" and she'll do it... trouble is, Plex doesn't seem to remember where it was last playing, and I don't often have time to listen to the book all at once. I've also tried "Alexa, ask plex to resume the album Norse Mythology" with no dice Ideas?
- is there any way to skip ahead 5 minutes, 10 minutes go back 5 minutes etc via your dot skill?
Thanks again!!
Playing catch-up on on issues after being busy for quite a while.
This isn't a feature that can be controlled by the metadata agent. All this agent can do is provide data to store/display as part of the library. What you're referencing is a function of interaction between Plex and Alexa. Sorry.