
Devices supported before update no longer supported

magnetarhotelrwanda opened this issue · 3 comments

So I have updated from v2.5.7 to v2.5.8 and had to roll back due to the "uri-js" bug. However devices that were supported before this are now reported as not supported and cant be added.

The devices in question are SONOFF ZBMINI-L which worked perfectly fine before doing the update then rolling back.

[28/06/2022, 13:27:38] [ZigBee] Initializing ZigBee device: 0x00124b0026b753c7 - ZBMINI-L - SONOFF

[28/06/2022, 13:27:38] [ZigBee] Unsupported ZigBee device: 0x00124b0026b753c7 - ZBMINI-L - SONOFF

[28/06/2022, 13:27:38] [ZigBee] Device not recognized: {
device: Device {
ID: 2,
_type: 'EndDevice',
_ieeeAddr: '0x00124b0026b753c7',
_networkAddress: 49595,
_manufacturerID: 4742,
_endpoints: [ [Endpoint] ],
_manufacturerName: 'SONOFF',
_powerSource: 'Mains (single phase)',
_modelID: 'ZBMINI-L',
_applicationVersion: 2,
_stackVersion: undefined,
_zclVersion: 3,
_hardwareVersion: 1,
_dateCode: '20220121',
_softwareBuildID: '1.0.5',
_interviewCompleted: true,
_interviewing: false,
_skipDefaultResponse: false,
_skipTimeResponse: false,
meta: {},
_lastSeen: 1656422857630,
_defaultSendWhenActive: true,
useImplicitCheckin: false,
_linkquality: 36

More Info:
Node.js Version - v16.15.1
Homebridge Version - v1.5.0
Homebridge-Zigbee-nt Version - v2.5.7
OS - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

This is probably due to a change in the zigbee converters lib. I'll take a look

I tested locally, and it seems to be correctly configured as a switch. Maybe it's cached by homebridge? Can you try to remove the cache key for that accessory? You should go under Homebridge settings and click on Remove Single Cached Accessory, then find the accessory (should be somryhing like 0x00124b0026b753c7 (homebridge-zigbee-nt)). After deleting you have to restart homebridge

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