
Not work with Elastic 1.7.3

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When start update data to base,i get error:
Failed to create Elastic search client with error no Elasticsearch node available

I start with this parametr: ./ariadna --es_pg_conn_url "host=localhost user=geo password=geo dbname=geo sslmode=disable" --es_url "http://localhost:9200" --filename "russia-latest.osm.pbf" --download_url "" update

elasticsearch 1.7.3 work on http://localhost:9200
test elasticsearch : curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9200/tutorial/helloworld/2' -d '{ "message": "Hello World!" }'

This can be because Ariadna's ES module is outdated and it's incompatible with your version of elasticsearch.
Project now is abandoned and I hope I'll come back to development in August. Project needs refactoring and also I need to add processing of huge osm.pbf files. I think ariadna can't handle whole Russia country for this case. I made this tool to search intersections and some POIs for Bishkek city. Unfortunately search quality for Russia will be poor and I recommend to use or Nominatim

Many thanks for the answer, I hope that the project will develop, the implementation is very good.