
blobstore.Create() is deprecated

Closed this issue · 8 comments

This application uses blobstore.Create() and probably should switch to the new APIs before deprecation.

Files API removal date is on July 28th. Also need to figure out the migration strategy.

@mjibson Can you please post a statement ("Yes" or "No" should be sufficient) whether or not you're planning to tackle this (on time)?

Yes, I plan on fixing this before the cutoff date.

Awesome, thank you! 👍

🎊 thanks!

There is another email, Notice for Task Queue Developers on Google App Engine.

More specifically, we have determined that the above application(s) has at least one queue with a retry limit of zero. Currently, a bug causes queues with a retry limit set to zero to retry failed tasks exactly once. The upcoming 1.9.25 version of App Engine will include an update where such tasks will not be retried.

Does go read needs changes related to this too?

That's just configuration (the queue.yaml), so the only thing goread could do is change the default.

Anyway, the change / fix should not break anything in case of goread, just make it work as intended.

@vinipsmaker Nope, no necessary changes to the task queue.yaml. They are fixing a bug, but we weren't depending on the buggy behavior.