

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Is there a specific reason you removed the code part and integration with CocoaPods? The changes for Swift 3 are very little (just did this manually to keep it working).

Yeah, I know the migration part is simple, but for every new version we have to make a release, test it for cocoapods and carthage, distribute and it was just taking more time than it was worth for us.

After all, this is just assets and people can just drag them into their project the way they want.
It's way easier for us to just distribute assets and have code examples on the wiki.

I strongly urge you to reconsider. Yes we can just copy them in our project, but if you add new flags we have to update them manually and it's a pain to track down.

Use the community to help you. Also, I would not see a point in really explicitly testing for cocoapods and carthage unless you would have changed something major.

@edwardmp We have now reintroduced support for Carthage and CocoaPods!

@blommegard, awesome, thanks. You can close this issue then.

@blommegard Follow-up question: any specific reason why the minimum iOS version is 10.0 for this pod?

@edwardmp Hi! Yeah, we use UIGraphicsImageRenderer in

We will strive to support the 2 latest OS versions, right now 10 and 11.