
custom error page

Opened this issue · 1 comments

49-3 commented

hi, have an esay way to have a custom error page?
i have try to put my custom 403 page on the owasp container but get no success

hi @49-3, right now this isn't possible bc this plugin caches the response code and then generates the rest of the body per:

func (a *Modsecurity) GetCachedResponse(req *http.Request, options CacheKeyOptions) (*http.Response, error) {
cacheKey := generateCacheKey(req, options)
if cachedErrorCode, found := a.cache.Get(cacheKey); found {
cachedCode := cachedErrorCode.(int)
// convert cachedCode to a 3-digit code
statusCode := cachedCode % 1000
body := []byte(http.StatusText(statusCode))
// create a new *http.Response with the given status code and body using the response pool
resp := newPooledCacheResponse(statusCode, body)
// Defer the call to putResponse to return the response object to the pool when done
defer putResponse(resp)
return resp, nil

but i'll keep this issue open and keep it in mind for the future