Last update > Error with CustomElement.php > $this->addFragmentControllerDefaults();
biowebfr opened this issue · 5 comments
I customized the rsce_oneo_headline_box.html5 adding "inputUnit" on headline:
'mainheadline' => array(
'label' => array(
'en' => array('Headline', ''),
'de' => array('Überschrift', ''),
'fr' => array('Titre', ''),
'inputType' => 'inputUnit',
'options' => array('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'div', 'span'),
'eval' => array(
'tl_class' => 'w100',
Since last update I get the following error when $this->addFragmentControllerDefaults(); is not commented (no error when commented):
Argument 1 passed to class@anonymous::__construct() must be of the type string or null, array given, called in D:\wamp64\www\a-propos\vendor\madeyourday\contao-rocksolid-custom-elements\src\Element\CustomElement.php on line 301
Can you tell me if I'm doing something wrong with 'inputType' => 'inputUnit'?
Thank you :)
I have the same problem and opened a PR with a patch that fixes the problem for me
@biowebfr @lukasbableck can you please verify if the latest dev-master
version works correctly?
Yes, works for me
Good job ! Thanks a lot.
Released as version 2.4.9.