
Non Fungible tokens transfers not showing correctly on Ithacanet, and when manually adding they show in Fungible token section

0x00000010 opened this issue · 3 comments

I've been debugging an issue with my new token for 2 days now and I believe I've found a bug in Temple when on Ithacanet

To reproduce this I created a minimal contract that demonstrates the issue. If you deploy the contract on Mainnet and Ithacanet and follow the instructions you will be able to see the problem.

I have already deployed this contract on both networks:

✅ - Mainnet (Works as Expected) - KT1GXMnnNv3pYJE7u3E48vhqZsWHpVDZMBSy - BCD Link
❌ - Ithacanet (Fails) - KT1NMwUAPcbk6cv5DC9HpkTkYGR3sMqDS3dC - BCD Link

The entrypoint you must call is mint and you must pass in a single valid ipfs CID in plain string format without the ipfs:// prefix

The CID must be a valid TZIP-21 compatible JSON metadata file.

The example that I used is at ipfs CID QmR5jRRrfRPen6Tzvs242wSRR8829W1WzWDmsrZSLTo13H - to reproduce the issue you can call the endpoint with this value (full contents included at bottom of report) - example metadata link

Expected Result

"+1 TOKEN" in the 'Activity' tab and the token showing in the 'Collectibles' tab



Actual Result

Nothing is shown on 'Activity' tab, and nothing shows in the 'Collectibles' tab



Manually Adding Asset

If you manually add the collectible contract and token id the token displays on the 'Tokens' tab instead of the 'Collectibles' tab



This is the exact same code and metadata, just deployed on 2 different networks.

This is the Bare Bones FA2 Contract in SmartPy that was deployed to both networks.

Metadata used in this example

  "artifactUri": "ipfs://QmdUh6xSMcjGtUwmk2d7GktAsmXYyA2WQTjiktFbD6dAWm",
  "attributes": [
      "name": "Artifact",
      "value": "Token"
      "name": "Status",
      "value": "Generic"
  "creators": [
  "description":"Generic FA2 Example Token",
  "displayUri": "ipfs://QmfKF2fkZRGnEhH3E8C6dadjb1vHGffErHQfpv5AonhvCy",
  "formats": [
      "dimensions": {
        "value": "2500x2500",
        "unit": "px"
      "mimeType": "image/png",
      "uri": "ipfs://QmdUh6xSMcjGtUwmk2d7GktAsmXYyA2WQTjiktFbD6dAWm"
      "dimensions": {
        "value": "1000x1000",
        "unit": "px"
      "mimeType": "image/png",
      "uri": "ipfs://QmfKF2fkZRGnEhH3E8C6dadjb1vHGffErHQfpv5AonhvCy"
      "dimensions": {
        "value": "350x350",
        "unit": "px"
      "mimeType": "image/png",
      "uri": "ipfs://QmTKS7C1J1pCtAeUtG5DbEgCr1NLQ7dZwnhMi4QwrjxcJY"
  "isBooleanAmount": true,
  "minter": "tz1ZWje5jpfbWrG5iuxz7qUx7eBLLAS5Tv3z",
  "name":"Generic FA2 Token",
  "publishers": [
  "rights": "(c) 2022 0x10. All rights reserved.",
  "royalties": {
    "decimals": 6,
    "shares": {
      "tz1ZWje5jpfbWrG5iuxz7qUx7eBLLAS5Tv3z": "100000"
  "shouldPreferSymbol": true,
  "type": "Generic Token",
  "isTransferable": true,
  "burnable": true,
  "tags": ["0x10", "example", "fa2", "token"],
  "language": "en"

I see that this issue has been marked as resolved but I'm still experiencing this bug

is it still awaiting release?

I see it is working now, thank you!

This same issue is now happening when switching to Jakarta