
EATURE REQUEST - Add Sapling Support for shielded Tezos

BearCooder opened this issue · 1 comments

A Sapling contract was deployed on mainnet some days ago.
The post is on reddit:

As there is no wallet that supports sapling or shielded tez transfers (shield tez, send, receive) I am adding a feature request for Temple wallet to add support. Temple wallet would be one of the first wallets that would support it.

Having wallets that support the exchange and transfer of shielded tez is critical for a wider sapling adoption/use accross the Tezos ecosystem.
I hope the Temple Team will consider this feature!
Thank you very much


We have actually thought about it. But, unfortunately, web extensions are very limited in terms of resources. Signing one Sapling transaction would take several minutes. The UX doesn't seem to be acceptable right now