
Issues exporting Javadoc for a project

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Sorry for the newbie question:

I'm trying to export the Javadoc for a project in a workspace with multiple sources. When I run the "Export Javadoc" command, it asks me which project I want to export from but doesn't ask me anything else. The problem is that I'm getting a terminal error I don't know how to solve, or if it's possible to customize how I want the Javadoc to export. For example, creating a "docs" folder at the same level as the "src" folder in the project I'm working on.

Here's the error message I'm getting:

CampoaiMac:ExamenMarzo rafa$ "undefined/bin/javadoc" -public 
-d "/Users/rafa/eclipse-workspace/ExamenMarzo/javadoc" 
-sourcepath "/Users/rafa/eclipse-workspace/ExamenMarzo/src" -subpackages Entornos Programacion
bash: undefined/bin/javadoc: No such file or directory

Can anybody shed some light on this? I've been looking for a wiki for this extension but couldn't find it.

Thanks in advance!

I know it's a bit late but I think you need to specify your Java home path in the settings.json for VSCode like this:
"java.home": "C:\\Program Files\\Eclipse Adoptium\\jdk-"