
Uncaught SyntaxError

Opened this issue · 5 comments

when clicking on the download button instead of downloading in the console, an error occurred

im having the same issue

me too

Seeing the same error on Chrome:

ncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at Object.onload (userscript.html?name=YouTube-downloader.user.js&id=8831cb0b-1bf7-4d0b-85d4-663cd3abd9a4:99:39)
    at wt (<anonymous>:9:89)
    at <anonymous>:36:335
    at wt (<anonymous>:9:89)
    at r (<anonymous>:24:484)
    at <anonymous>:25:112
    at <anonymous>:76:491
    at v (<anonymous>:77:15)

Apparently this is what is being returned on the snippet that requests a callback to the cobalt service. A whole html string instead of the expected json string. I've accessed and I noticed they use the CloudFlare service... I tried using a yt link, but the bot detection (service provided by CloudFlare) seems to never give a response, making me unable of downloading the video.

The API used to download the videos has stopped providing free instances. The repository is archived until further notice.