
Consider using semver for version tags

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Right now the release tags mostly follow the pattern x.y.zA where A is an incrementing letter. First, I'd like to ask what the purpose for this extra letter is (why do this instead of increment the patch version?). Second, I'd like to ask you to consider using instead, since this is a widely-used and well-regarded versioning scheme.

I agree with this. You don't want to know the honest, embarassing truth about why the letters snuck in there in the version numbering, haha!Aand I know from experience how annoying inconsistent version naming can be for packagers on the other end so I'll adopt this !

sounds good! btw, if the letters are just there to test your CI deployment (i'm guessing that's what you're referring to?) you could label them like x.y.z-rcN where N is an incrementing number to index the release candidate. there's nothing wrong with having the x.y.z and x.y.z-rcN tags point at the same commit, either.

feel free to close this whenever you'd like!

I think I did this correctly on the latest release. Thanks :)