How to set default page in aspnetcore app with miniblogcore added
ayinn opened this issue · 2 comments
ayinn commented
Is there a way to keep the home/index as the default opening page, when using miniblogcore in the website? Thank you for this blog app. I need help in using it in aspnetcore. How would I include a categories view in the home/index page, but not a post? Is there a forum to ask questions?
shps951023 commented
you cloud be trying this code in layout.cshtml.
List<string> allCats = ViewData["AllCats"] as List<string> ?? new List<string>();
@foreach (var item in allCats)
<a asp-controller="Blog" asp-action="category"
asp-route-category="@item" asp-route-page="">@item</a>
and query Categories in Index Action
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
ViewData["AllCats"] = (await _blog.GetCategories()).ToList();
ayinn commented
Thank you for your help. I could not make that work. It may be me.
How does one display the feed?