Awesome AdonisJS | |
A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the AdonisJS ecosystem. |
- 🔥 Essentials
- 📦 Packages
- 🎓 Articles, Tutorials, Blogs, etc.
- 📺 Videos
- 🏢 Conferences
- 📚 Books
- 📢 Community
- 🔩 Miscellaneous
- Adonis Auth - Official authentication provider.
- Adonis Commands - Set of core commands.
- Adonis Mail - Official email provider.
- Adonis Middleware - Official middleware package.
- Adonis Redis - Package that makes easier to work with Redis, it has support of pub/sub.
- Adonis Validation - Validation provider that makes use of indicative under the hood.
- Adonis Lucid - Official SQL ORM.
- Adonis Config - Official config provider.
- Adonis Rally - Forum engine.
- Adonis Lodge - Namespacing library for node/io js.
- Adonis Encrypter - Encryption that uses Static Initialization Vector.
- Adonis Kue - A job queuing provider that leverages Kue.
- Adonis Scheduler - Provides an easy way to schedule recurring tasks.
- Adonis Generators - Contains generators for Adonis Models and Migrations ala Rails.
- Adonis Ally - Social Authentication provider. It gives you the functionality to authenticate users using social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Github etc
- Adonis Internalization - Internationalization module. Supports file and database drivers
- Adonis Hashids - Hashids Provider for AdonisJs framework
- Adonis Throttle Requests - Throttle requests middleware for AdonisJs framework
- Adonis Official Blog
- Meet AdonisJs! A Laravel-style MVC Framework for Node.js
- AdonisJS - A Laravel-ish Node framework
- Basic Authentication With AdonisJs
- Creating your first app with AdonisJs and adding authentication
- Adonis.js Setup On Ubuntu 14
- Using with Adonis
- AdonisJS for Laravel Developers
- Great JavaScript Module Management
- Node.js broken ecosystem and rise of AdonisJs
- How to make a todo app with AdonisJs
- AdonisJs - Getting Started - Playlist
- AdonisJs JSON API - Playlist
- Learn Node JS in One Day 2017 - Playlist
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- Official Twitter
- AdonisJS Georgia - Facebook Group
- AdonisJS Philippines - Facebook Group
- AdonisJS Indonesia - Facebook Group
- Discussion - Discussing about new features and sharing random thoughts
- vue-adonis - Boilerplate for using AdonisJS + Vue.js with server-side rendering
- AdoNuxt - Starter template for Nuxt.js with AdonisJS
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