
Second version of my real-time operating system for ARM and AVR written in C

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Second version of my real-time operating system for ARM and AVR written in C

Project was under development in 2012-2013.

Really old stuff, made a few years ago when I was learning programming in C, especially microcontrollers. But it was quite good. I made own IDE in C# with custom assembler compiler (similar to x86) and then aps were ecuted on ARM and AVR without problems.


  • written in C for ARM and AVR
  • real-time OS with simple memory management
  • multitasking
  • custom assembler with parser and compiler
  • loaded applications from SD cards
  • supported simple TFT screen with touchpad

Here is Hello World in my asm:

; main function

section data:	
; initialized data
text db "Hello World!",0

section text:
  ; Program execution starts here...
; print text on the screen
mov eax, 0 ; text lcoation on the screen (should be Point struct defined in the API, not mentioned here)
mov ebx, [text] ; move adress of the text variable to the register that will be used during system interrupt
mov ecx, 0 ; text color (black)
int 50 ; call system interrupt which will draw text

; while(true) {}
label noexit:
jump noexit
