Error if and when the steam is not a valid tar file?
billxinli opened this issue · 4 comments
billxinli commented
Curious why an error is not emitted on invalid tar files?
echo "this is just a plain text file" > file.tar
var tarFs = require('tar-fs')
var fs = require('fs')
.on('error', function (err) {
.on('finish', function () {
mafintosh commented
if will emit an error if the tar checksum fails but i guess your test file is too small (< 512b) so the header check never fires. we should fail is this case i agree.
piranna commented
Isn't this a bug on tar-stream
? We should have a label for this ones...
orsagie commented
Hey, looks like you fixed this issue at least for node >= 8: mafintosh/tar-stream@689d3fa
mafintosh commented
Should be fixed for all node actually