Upgrade from EdgeOS 1.10.5 to 2.0.6 causes problem
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I think there may be a problem with the upgrade to v2. I ran the script to upgrade WireGuard when still running EdgeOS 1.10.5. That ran properly after I fixed the interfaces issue and wg came back up. I then did the upgrade to EdgeOS v2.0.6. Now, the WireGuard interfaces do not come up. I think this is because the proper version of WireGuard is not installed. So, i did another upgrade. This time, the upgrade shows:
Upgrading WireGuard...
Checking latest release for v2.0-e200...
WireGuard is already up to date (0.0.20190702-1), nothing to do.
However, when I look in the cache directory, this is what is there:
-rw-r--r-- 1 sslupsky vyattacf 198426 Aug 7 09:46 wireguard-e200-0.0.20190702-1.deb
Which is not the correct version.
I put the correct version into the cache directory and removed the old version. The check still fails and I see the same "already up to date" message.
Probably need to do this check:
Line 288 in 0a7260d
again when doing the version check.
Hmm, you seem to be hitting all the edge cases, sorry about that. I don't have an EdgeRouter so haven't been able to really test these v1/v2 scenarios. I'll try to look at this a bit later. In the meanwhile, what does dpkg -l "*wireguard*"
I think the problem is that the v1 deb
allows itself to be installed on v2.0, whereas if it didn't we wouldn't have this issue. But we can probably work around it 😄.
dpkg -l "wireguard returns:
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Architecture Description
ii wireguard 0.0.20190702-1 mips fast, modern, secure kernel VPN tunnel
Note: I did a manual update and v2 is now loading and running.