Home assistant prototype

  1. Install vagrant

  2. Install virtual box

  3. Prepare the vm. Go to the vms directory cd vms

  4. Create the vm using vagrant up (this will take some time since go will be installed in the vm as well)

  5. SSH into the vm using vagrant ssh

  6. Bootstrap influx db and create the auth token

    • make up-influx
    • make influx-initial-setup
  7. Stop the running stack using docker compose down

  8. Run the full stack using make up-all

  9. Configure the MQTT broker through the home assistant ui

    • Broker host: mosquitto
    • Broker user: admin
    • Broker password: password
  10. Restart home assistant from the ui

  11. Start publishing data either by:

    • make mqtt-publish-room-temprature OR
    • cd ./mqtt-sample-app && make publish-data (you have to have golang installed)