Interface inspector

See which structs implement a given interface.


  • Given the following project structure, we have an interface Fetcher which is implemented by both the awsFetcher struct and facebookFetcher struct.

  • Running interface-inspector -package fetcher -interface Fetcher would output all structs which implement the interface Fetcher defined in the package named fetcher.

  • Output example:

    awsFetcher /home/tester/Documents/projects/interface-inspector/pkg/aws/aws.go:3:6
    facebookFetcher /home/tester/Documents/projects/interface-inspector/pkg/facebook/facebook.go:3:6
  • Clicking with the mouse on the path in the output in an editor like VSCode would open the strcut directly which is handy in big projects where a lot of structs implement an interface and one wants to see all of them.

    ├── go.mod
    ├── go.sum
    ├── main.go
    ├── pkg
    │   ├── aws
    │   │   └── aws.go
    │   ├── facebook
    │   │   └── facebook.go
    │   └── fetcher
    │   └── fetcher.go
    // file: pkg/fetcher/fetcher.go
    package fetcher
    type Fetcher interface {
    	Fetch (url string) ([]byte , error)
    // file: pkg/aws/aws.go
    package aws
    type awsFetcher struct {
    func (a *awsFetcher) Fetch (url string) ([]byte , error) {
    	return nil , nil
    // file: pkg/facebook/facebook.go
    package facebook
    type facebookFetcher struct {
    func (a *facebookFetcher) Fetch (url string) ([]byte , error) {
    	return nil , nil


  • Run interface-inspector -h


  • Write a VSCode extension to interface with this. the extension should return the output in something like a quickpick list similar to what vscode does with the output of the language server.