
RabbitMQ requires the amqp php extension.

u-maxx opened this issue · 2 comments

RabbitMQ requires the amqp php extension that is why we need to add it to our php-fpm images.

This issue was reported by @davidalger.

After a discussion with David, I have decided to create a new repo for our PHP images, with a different approach of storing configs and Dockerfiles for different versions in separate folders. This will also allow us to provide updates for each specific version w/o issues as well ass implement completely new images based on alpine to reduce their size. New repo for PHP images is here mage2click/magento-php-versions

I have copied our configs and Dockerfiles from the previous repo (mage2click/magento-php) and then added amqp extension, build images and pushed them to the Docker Hub - they are available on

Closed by #45