
Names being weird

Closed this issue · 4 comments

So the problem I'm having is my textures certain ones only work if it's the exact name of the item but when I try to remove common it puts a space in front of the name but if I have the common my textures don't work and the space makes it so it doesn't work either I've attached images with examples though the textures work on that name specifically.

Discord discussion:

This issue is with the item generator. When you remove the "%TIER_NAME%" placeholder from the name section it leaves a blank space. Valor is trying to use custom textures in his names (font images), but with the extra space it doesn't let the images load properly.

#In this example you'll see there's an extra space before " Scythe"

Wrong repo but got it 😆

I'm actually unable to reproduce this bug as described or as broken down in Discord.

Just going to close this as it's not blocking Valor anymore and I am unable to reproduce the problem.