
Publish to npm for easier consumption

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Publish to npm for easier consumption

Do you have any plans for this? Having some king of alpha release publish would greatly simplify the steps we need to take in our build/deploy process.

At current to globally install the package and run it we have to do the following:

yarn global add magento/baler#master && \
cd /usr/local/share/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/@magento/baler && \
yarn install --production=false && \
yarn run build --skipLibCheck

Ideally dist should be published to NPM having been built in the CI as at the moment we need to install dev dependencies to run the build and get a working copy.

Is the plan to introduce versioning? This would make it much easier to trigger an automated npm publish.

Have a TODO in the very near future to get a publishing process setup for the team that will be helping to take over maintenance of Baler :).

If you don't see anything by this time next week please bug me about it

Have a TODO in the very near future to get a publishing process setup for the team that will be helping to take over maintenance of Baler :).

If you don't see anything by this time next week please bug me about it

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ugh, I'm the worst 😆

Really trying to carve time out for this - just under some tight time constraints lately

Hi @DrewML,

Is the plan still to publish this to NPM? If so, any idea when?

Many Thanks