
No affect on frontend after installing baler

Nafisa78 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I have installed baler, did all necessary configuration and ran all commands.
But i don't see any performance improvement on frontend.

Interesting I fall into the same issue today. All I've got is:

baler build
โœ” Collected theme/module data 132ms

Optimization is done, but stats have not been implemented in the CLI yet

Even i got this message. What does this means?

Quazz commented

@Nafisa78 It means something went wrong, it is supposed to loop through your themes and gather info about the JS files.

You can try to run baler build --trace to get a trace file.

Nothing wrong there

(220.96285897493362): starting CLI
(222.29880899190903): looking for magento root starting at (...)
(223.66586297750473): starting build command from cli
(227.33184498548508): reading enabled modules from app/etc/config.php
(227.91100698709488): requesting module/theme payload from magento
(235.7881259918213): checking pub/static for deployed themes
(241.58203399181366): found deployed themes: (...)
(242.73591601848602): enabled modules (...)

Custom theme is within deploy themes. My custom theme parent is Magento/blank
Quazz commented

After enabled modules you should see:

received modules/themes payload from magento: (...)

Followed by much more afterwards as it looks for theme parents, deployed locales, etc And then it should be resolving javascript dependencies.

Damn vim, indeed they are there with Baler error created. Message: Failed reading RequireJS config on next page. Thank's a lot. I know where to look now.

Ok, at least in my case no effect was caused by native js bundling and minification. After disabling them with:

php bin/magento config:set dev/js/minify_files 0
php bin/magento config:set dev/js/enable_js_bundling 0

and redeployment the output states:

โœ” (Gtx/fixero) Created core bundle file 1.8s
โ  (Gtx/fixero) Minify core bundle and RequireJS config
โœ” (Gtx/fixero) Minified core bundle and RequireJS 14.9s

Baler bundle balerbundles/core-bundle.js is visible in website source html.