Exception "option does not exist" when creating/listing tunnels
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When creating the tunnel with magent-cloud tunnel:open --project=xxx --environment=staging
I got an error saying:
PHP Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException: The "--project" option does not exist. (...)
magento-cloud tunnel:open -e staging --app mymagento
PHP Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException: The "-e" option does not exist. (...)
PHP Stack trace: (...)
A tunnel is already opened (...)
My tunnels were created and are showing with tunnels --all after the error, but why do I get that error in the first place? The "--all" option does not exist??
user@pc:~/Desktop/m2$ magento-cloud tunnel:info
No tunnels found.
List all tunnels with: magento-cloud tunnels --all
user@pc:~/Desktop/m2$ magento-cloud tunnels --all
PHP Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException: The "--all" option does not exist. in phar:///home/user/.magento-cloud/bin/magento-cloud/vendor/symfony/console/Input/ArgvInput.php on line 221
(tunnels are listed here after the error line)
user@pc:~/Desktop/m2$ mc update
Checking for Magento Cloud CLI updates (current version: 1.38.1)
No updates found
The script also says: Logs are written to: /home/magento_user/.magento/tunnels.log, but nothing is saved there.
cat ~/.magento-cloud/tunnels.log
is empty, however some info is saved in ~/.magento-cloud/tunnel-info.json.