
Magento 2.1 compatibility

tufahu opened this issue · 7 comments

Is this extension compatible with magento 2.1? I've now installed on a new instance, but chrome toolbar says "MSP DevTools information not available." Could you give me a hint please where can i start debugging?

Hi @tufahu
Have you enabled the extension from Magento backend?
Is your ip address in the allowed list?
Have you tried emtpying the cache?
(note that FPC must be disabled or block informations will not be available)

hi @giacmir i've new in magento world so i'm not 100% sure of anything. but i can show you my configuration.
I dump here informations. don't know if them help.

Enabled Modules (MSP_Common,MSP_DevTools, MSP_CmsImportExport)

My current cache status:

Current status: config: 1 layout: 1 block_html: 1 collections: 1 reflection: 1 db_ddl: 1 eav: 1 customer_notification: 1 full_page: 0 config_integration: 1 config_integration_api: 1 translate: 1 config_webservice: 1


I've realised that my dom extended with comments:


Ok, devtools module is installed, but must be "turned on" from magento backend. Login as admin user and go to stores->configuration->magespecialist->devtools and

  1. enable extension
  2. enter your ip

then save configuration and empty configuration cache.
There is a guide on installing here.

It's enabled. Sure first i've read the install guide.
Another interesting thing is when i switch on profiler i get another error message.

If i've add "SetEnv MAGE_PROFILER MSP\DevTools\Profiler\Driver\Standard\Output\DevTools" to my .htaccess

i get "Full Page Cache seems enabled." message.
(My FPC is disabled, triple checked this)

i've installed a 2.0.6. it's ok with this.

We did not test it with 2.1 yet, we will check it ASAP. Thank you for your report.

Hello @tufahu,
we should have fixed the 2.1 issue.

Please upgrade to version 0.1.3 and upgrade your Chrome extension to 1.6 .

Best regards.