
Some cross-page layout handles are missing in Design Tab

MariaKern opened this issue · 5 comments

There are general layout handles in the global scope of more than one page like the customer_account or requisition_list that are not shown in the "Design" tab "Layout handles" section of the dev tools browser plugin.

Steps to reproduce

Navigate in your store frontend to the page My Account Dashboard (customer/account/) and open the chrome dev tools > Magento tab. Open the "Design" tab and look on the "Layout handles"

Expected result

  • default
  • customer_account
  • customer_account_index

Actual result

  • default
  • customer_account_index

Recently I noticed, that those handles are kind of virtual handels and are included by the specific ones with . So maybe you could list them separately in the "Design" tab?

Hello @MariaKern ,
they are real layout handles exaclty like customer_account_index or default.

The only difference is that default and customer_account_index are already there when you get the execute controller method, while customer_account and similar "virtual" layout handles are added in a diferent position or by a layout update in XML.

If you mean you need to identify one specific layout for each single action we could try to isolate them, but you just need to take the concatenation of: module _ routeid _ action.

Hope it helps.

Hi @phoenix128 ;)
thank you for the explanation. It would facilitate the frontend work if those handles would be listet in your chrome plugin. Because if I would see, that there is the same handle on more than one page (like customer_account and requisition_list) than I could write my layout changes (for those pages) only in this file, and not in each file.
Best regards! Maria

Got the point. We will check if there is any way to isolate them.

Hello @MariaKern ,
upgrade to 1.2.9 .