MXSCOMP-62 - [SPIKE] React Stylesheet support
grzegorzdec opened this issue · 2 comments
grzegorzdec commented
Determine the scope of effort for adding React Native Styling to Components. The goal is to determine the effort needed to add Styles to Lumin, iOS, Andriod
grzegorzdec commented
Preparetion before implementing React-Native
- In the beginning, we should rename our properties to match with
React-Native StyleSheet
eg:- In
should becolor
should befontSize
- In
- We should create list of properties that need renaming
- From the mobile site, it should be straight forward, we can just add the following function in
_processStyles(properties) {
if( {
const styles =
Object.keys(styles).forEach(key => {
const value = styles[key];
properties = {, ...{ [key]: value } };
return properties
- It should be called before color parsing function
- this function is the only POC and still need some improvements
- I hope it can be implemented in a similar way for the lumin (like colors)
grzegorzdec commented
Current Name | StyleSheet Name |
roundness | borderRadius |
iconColor | tintColor |
textColor | color |
textSize | fontSize |
Current Name | StyleSheet Name |
iconColor | tintColor |
listMaxHeight* | maxHeight* |
listTextSize* | fontSize* |
Current Name | StyleSheet Name |
opaque | opacity |
Current Name | StyleSheet Name |
style | fontStyle |
weight | fontWeight |
charSpacing | letterSpacing |
lineSpacing | lineHeight |
textColor | color |
textSize | fontSize |
Current Name | StyleSheet Name |
charSpacing | letterSpacing |
style | fontStyle |
weight | fontWeight |
lineSpacing | lineHeight |
textColor | color |
textSize | fontSize |
Current Name | StyleSheet Name | Description |
padding | padding, paddingBottom, paddingHorizontal, paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingVertical | Nice to have and easy to implement |
scale | scaleX, scaleY | Nice to have and easy to implement |
Not implemented:
- alignContent
- alignItems
- alignSelf
- aspectRatio
- backfaceVisibility
- backgroundColor
- borderBottomColor
- borderBottomLeftRadius
- borderBottomRightRadius
- borderBottomWidth
- borderColor
- borderLeftColor
- borderLeftWidth
- borderRightColor
- borderRightWidth
- borderStyle
- borderTopColor
- borderTopLeftRadius
- borderTopRightRadius
- borderTopWidth
- borderWidth
- bottom
- decomposedMatrix
- direction
- display
- elevation
- flex
- flexBasis
- flexDirection
- flexGrow
- flexShrink
- flexWrap
- fontFamily
- fontVariant
- includeFontPadding
- justifyContent
- left
- margin
- marginBottom
- marginHorizontal
- marginLeft
- marginRight
- marginTop
- marginVertical
- maxHeight
- maxWidth
- minHeight
- minWidth
- overflow
- overlayColor
- paddingBottom
- paddingHorizontal
- paddingLeft
- paddingRight
- paddingTop
- paddingVertical
- position
- resizeMode
- right
- scaleX
- scaleY
- shadowColor
- shadowOffset
- shadowOpacity
- shadowRadius
- textAlign
- textAlignVertical
- textDecorationColor
- textDecorationLine
- textDecorationStyle
- textShadowColor
- textShadowOffset
- textShadowRadius
- tintColor
- top
- transform
- transformMatrix
- translateX
- translateY
- writingDirection
- zIndex