
Fetch Record using mr_findFirst gives sometimes Empty Records & SQLite file not gives valid save records.

inzamamxiq opened this issue · 3 comments

I am currently using MagicalRecord for local data storage in my project. However, I've encountered an issue with the mr_findFirst method, which occasionally returns empty records. Upon further investigation, I noticed that when I open the corresponding SQLite database using a tool like DB Browser for SQLite, I can see that only IDs are present in the table, no column with title like (name, email) attributes in entity are not show and the relevant column data is missing. i am attaching screenshoot of my SQLite Table content for reference.

Image-Table-show-only-ids in columns


I am currently using MagicalRecord for local data storage in my project. However, I've encountered an issue with the mr_findFirst method, which occasionally returns empty records. Upon further investigation, I noticed that when I open the corresponding SQLite database using a tool like DB Browser for SQLite, I can see that only IDs are present in the table, no column with title like (name, email) attributes in entity are not show and the relevant column data is missing. i am attaching screenshoot of my SQLite Table content for reference.


Image-Table-show-only-ids in columns