
Shell variables

magicant opened this issue · 0 comments

Default-assigned variables:

  • Default $IFS
  • Default $OPTIND
  • Default $PPID
  • Default $PS1
  • Default $PS2
  • Default $PS4
  • Default $PWD #218
  • Default $YASH_LOADPATH
  • Default $YASH_VERSION

Variables with a quirk:

  • Dynamically computing $LINENO #224
  • Expanding $RANDOM
  • Clearing $PATH on assignment

Variables tracked in other tasks:

  • $COMMAND_NOT_FOUND_HANDLER → Command semantics
  • $DIRSTACKdirs, pushd and popd built-ins
  • $ECHO_STYLEecho built-in
  • $ENV → Shell startup
  • $FCEDITfc built-in
  • $HISTFILE and $HISTSIZE → History
  • $HOME → Tilde expansion
  • $IFS → Field splitting
  • $MAIL, $MAILCHECK and $MAILPATH → Mail check
  • $OLDPWDcd built-in
  • $OPTARGgetopts built-in
  • $PATH → Command search
  • $YASH_AFTER_CDcd and pushd built-ins
  • Locale parameters $LANG and $LC_... → Locale

Variables not planned for implementation:

  • $NLSPATH → yash-rs will use a different locale mechamism