
Completion of the Arpeggiator

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Currently the Arpi mode is working, but requires extra controls for configuration:

  • Source - MIDI Hardware IN or rtpMIDI input
  • Destination - ^ Same as Above ^
  • Arp type
  • Arp style

These parameters need to be presented in a friendly manner - i.e. not just enums.

Also, we can re-use the Arpeggiator control in the Web Interface, instantiated multiple times with different note data, and then set the data when the user clicks the control on the web browser - this would mean nearly infinite #'s of Arpeggiator patterns can be created and selected by the user live, in realtime, and so some care needs to be given to how to add new Arpeggiator controls/patterns through the interface - i.e. perhaps we need a +/- button to add a new Arpeggiator control, and then of course 'save patterns' and so on ..