This is a project I've been working on that controls my two bedside lamps with led's I've hacked onto them using a Raspberry Pi underneath my bed.
The project is currently using GPIO pin's 17 and 22 but it's easy enough to edit them to your liking.
Here is a album of the project.
You're going to need pi-blaster by sarfata.
All you need to do is run the file.
All you need to do is make GET requests to your Raspberry Pi to the port (default:8080) with the attributes of brightness and fade.
The brightness attribute is a percentage value. For example:
- would be 50% brightness.
- would be 82% brightness.
- and so on.
- would be 82% brightness.
And the fade attribute is the amount of seconds it will take to go from one brightness to another. For example:
- would take 30 seconds to get from the current brightness to the new set brightness.
- would take one minute.
- would take 5 minutes.
- would take 10.
- and so on.
- would take 10.
*ps. If the fade attribute is missing from the GET request. It defaults to 10 seconds.
Here are a few examples.
- With an initial brightness of 0. This would take one minute to go from 0% to 70% brightness.
- With an initial brightness of 100. This would take two minutes to go from 100% to 5% brightness.
- With an initial brightness of 75. This would take 10 seconds to go from 0% to 70% brightness.
- Note! The fade attribute is missing and the program defaults to 10 second fade time.
I've also created a little driver board that sit's on top of the Raspberry Pi too! I'll probaby upload the schematic at some point when I get a chance.