- 3
*ERROR*: Wrong number of arguments: (1 . 4), 5
#82 opened by tsdh - 2
- 7
Can we make this delay configurable?
#130 opened by ackerleytng - 1
- 14
No editor when commiting using tramp
#72 opened by mgrachten - 3
- 1
Failure after update of Emacs from 28.2 to 29.1
#126 opened by yalfg - 7
Can't call emacsclient.exe on Windows
#121 opened by TheRealMintd - 6
[BUG] make-process--with-editor-process-filter: Creating pipe: Too many open files
#122 opened by ieure - 10
homebrew emacs-plus breaks with-editor--setup
#119 opened by ag91 - 4
- 9
git-commit-post-finish-hook possible bug
#68 opened by dickmao - 0
Warning: assignment to free variable
#74 opened by brainplot - 0
when-let is not known to be defined
#83 opened by Zulu-Inuoe - 0
minor error in TeXinfo manual (I think)
#60 opened by xtifr - 2
- 5
- 3
Type error on commit with magit
#63 opened by mattiasb - 1
"user-error: Don’t kill this buffer. Instead cancel using C-c C-k" when trying to quit emacs
#64 opened by unhammer - 4
- 2
- 1
with-editor broken for term-mode
#70 opened by soppera - 2
No advice for make-process in Emacs 27
#75 opened by phst - 3
Why can I not kill the buffer?
#77 opened by singpolyma - 1
with-editor chooses the wrong socket location under systemd-socket-activation
#78 opened by OnkelUlla - 0
make-process--with-editor-process-filter advice breaks lsp-python-ms-update-server
#79 opened by betaprior - 3
Feature Request: vterm support
#81 opened by dpassen - 5
- 39
- 3
Tag latest release
#88 opened by gusbrs - 2
No output in eshell on with-editor export
#102 opened by dakra - 10
with-editor fails in term-mode.
#103 opened by soppera - 15
- 4
- 0
Cannot commit from Magit on Windows 11
#108 opened by jacobilsoe - 12
- 1
unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' trying to edit agenix secret with `agenix -e`
#114 opened by ParetoOptimalDev - 2
Cannot determine a suitable Emacsclient
#115 opened by Entmatix - 5
shell-commands not seeing $EDITOR override
#116 opened by dpassen - 2
`export` output on new terminal buffers
#101 opened by iyefrat - 5
Supporting visudo
#84 opened by mavit - 6
*ERROR*: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
#80 opened by psanford - 4
GitError! There was a problem with the editor '/usr/bin/emacsclient.emacs --socket-name=/tmp/emacs1000/server'.
#69 opened by thraxil - 7
- 9
cannot get magit to commit
#61 opened by maxandersen - 5
invalid-function `with-editor*`
#59 opened by runswithd6s - 4
Add "proper" with-editor wrappers for shell command (term, ansi-term, eshell, etc...)
#57 opened by darkfeline - 2
- 6
- 2
#54 opened by unhammer