
Authentication Failure (cause Synch failure) to MME

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Your Environment

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • TestCntlrStub
  • Affected Subcomponent:
  • Deployment Environment:

Describe the Issue

I tried LTE attach using the TestCntlrStub.
S1-connection with MME was successful but NAS authentication failed with cause "21".
I used the same default configuration of ueCfg.txt file.
The MME I use it takes OPC and KEY.

To Reproduce
Perform attach using this stub.

Expected behavior
Successful Authentication procedure

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
If possible then please share the sample configuration (keys related) of stub side and MME side then it would be really helpful.

Able to solve it.

Able to solve it.

@vimal2828, please: do you remember how?

@vimal2828 how did u solve it.