
Unable to delete the text input

ajay15283 opened this issue ยท 19 comments

While using inquirer.Text or inquirer.shortcuts.text in any case the value typed is wrong unable to delete and retype the correct input

For eg:

[?] Provide the VM Size [example:Standard_B2s]: asdasdasdasd - Junk value entered , I need to delete and retype correct information, I know the "validation" can be an option but my question is when user realized he typed a wrong value and want to correct it

If there is already an option available to overcome this problem please let me know

OS : Linux
inquirer version 2.7.0
python: 3.6.13

same issue

Same issue but works with ctrl-h

I faced the same issue.
So I did the following debugging into inquirer.render.console._text.Text.process_input

Version info: inquirer==2.9.1

class Text(BaseConsoleRender):
    def process_input(self, pressed):
+       print("##", print(pressed))
        if pressed == key.CTRL_C:
import inquirer

questions = [
    inquirer.Text("name", message="What's your name?"),

answers = inquirer.prompt(questions)

And, the result is as follows:

$ python3
[?] What's your name?: a    # <= Pressed "a"
## None
[?] What's your name?: ab   # <= Pressed "b"
## None
[?] What's your name?: abc  # <= Pressed "c"
## None
[?] What's your name?: abc  # <= Pressed Backspace
## None
[?] What's your name?: abc  # <= Pressed Backspace
## None
[?] What's your name?: abc  # <= Pressed Enter
## None

{'name': 'abc\x7f\x7f'}

I think, pressed argument in process_input() is not passing values properly.
This library is too complex for me to give a PR for a quick fix, but I hope it helps :)

Sorry, there was an error in the above debugging code.

class Text(BaseConsoleRender):
    def process_input(self, pressed):
-       print("##", print(pressed))
+       print()
+       print('##', pressed, type(pressed))
        if pressed == key.CTRL_C:

It is natural that print(... . print(pressed)) should result in None.
In any case, it looks like the Backspace key is not captured well.

[?] What's your name?:      # <= Pressed a
## a <class 'str'>
[?] What's your name?: a    # <= Pressed b
## b <class 'str'>
[?] What's your name?: ab   # <= Pressed c
## c <class 'str'>
[?] What's your name?: abc  # <= Pressed Backspace
##  <class 'str'>
[?] What's your name?: abc  # <= Pressed Backspace
##  <class 'str'>
[?] What's your name?: abc  # <= Pressed Enter
 <class 'str'>

{'name': 'abc\x7f\x7f'}

I've also ran into this issue. I think the bug was introduced in 2.9.0 (I'm unable to reproduce this issue using 2.8.0).

face the same issue. so I downgrade the version

This issue doesn't occur when installing directly from the github repo. Try

pip install git+

and it will work. So I'm not sure what has been deployed to Pypi...

Installing directly from Github still produces the same issue. Tested on Ubuntu 21 with Python 3.10.

I got the issue on v2.9.1, but not on v2.9.0 (both versions from PyPI).

OSX 12.1
Python 3.9.5
Inquirer 2.8.0: backspace works as expected
Inquirer 2.9.0: backspace does not work
Inquirer 2.9.1: backspace does not work

not working on pop os 22.04 / python 3.10 with inquirer 2.9.2 either!

this is literally the most basic thing the library is supposed to be able to do, yet still cant handle text??

OSX 12.3.1
Python 3.9.12
Inquirer 2.9.2
The same issue =(
Backspace doesn't work.
I can't remove or edit "default" value.

The problem seems to be (at least on OSX 11.6.5) that backspace is interpreted as \x7f but CTRL+H is handled as \x08. For whatever reason, CTRL+H is captured and interpreted correctly but backspace just adds the escape character to the string. I think it will be related to readchar.key.BACKSPACE not recognising this other escape character.

A workaround which might be useful is to place this somewhere before using inquirer:

import sys, readchar
if sys.platform == "darwin":
		# change readchar key backspace
		readchar.key.BACKSPACE = '\x7F'

Thanks, @ian-grover, that solution also works on Linux. Updated patch:

import sys, readchar
# fix inquirer
if any(x in sys.platform for x in ['darwin', 'linux']):
    # change readchar key backspace
    readchar.key.BACKSPACE = '\x7F'

I'll make a PR fixing this if I can.

This is actually a problem with V3.0.5 of the underlying readchar libary. It accepted and shipped a bad PR with the latest Version. I provided a fix as magmax/python-readchar#76, but the maintainer is not responding... (I also put instructions on how to install that PR's version as a worksround)

fixed with the new version of readchar, which is required by inquirer as per #206

thanks @Cube707 upgrading to readchar 3.1.0 fixed this for me, eg:

pip install --upgrade readchar

@Cube707 should this issue be closed then?

From my side, yes. Your decision if you want to wait on feedback from the participants. But as they could just reopen, I would close it.