
`Checkbox` does not work when using Windows

Closed this issue · 6 comments


When trying to use a Checkbox question, one cannot move the cursor up and down to select the boxes to check.


Consider the following program:

import inquirer

questions = [
        "What do you like to eat?",
        choices=["banana", "apple", "ice-creem"]
answers = inquirer.prompt(questions)

Reproduction steps are:

  1. Copy the code above
  2. Run it on Windows computer in Power Shell
  3. Check the banana option (that works)
  4. Press the down arrow to move to the second option (that doesn't work)

Additional Information

Windows 10
Python version: 3.9.5
Inquirer version: 2.9.1

Seems the same #117
My work arround is to use numpad arrows

@doubleailes what if I have a loptop with no numpads?

this will be fixed when magmax/python-readchar#71 gets merged.
Still waiting though...

@RazvanCretu @Cube707
Before the official fix, you can replace readchar folder of the attached files to your current python module path.
it's a file copies of magmax/python-readchar#71
or you can checkout that pr and replace it by yourself

I decided to take the time to provide a proper workaround as @magmax is currently not reacting.

Whoever needs an updatet version of python-readchar urgently can install my fix from my fork by using git+ either in a requirements.txt file or directly from the comandline as:

pip install git+

it is marked as version 3.0.6-dev0, so it will override a existing 3.0.5 installation but will be overriden by a official version 3.0.6 release (when it's released...). See magmax/python-readchar#76 for more information

I am also working on a version 4 of readchar (what @zixuan945 linked to above). As this will intreduce breaking changes and is not fully developed jet, I would not recomend using that version.

readchar just released a new version that should fix this. Please confirm