
A force-move protocol implementation

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Magmo Protocols

Welcome to the Magmo protocol mono-repo, home of the smart contracts that implement our state channel protocols. Various utilities are also found here.

On our website you will find links to our whitepapers and contact information.

This repository contains (i) a state channel framework capable of running 3rd-party 'applications' that conform to a simple state-machine interface and (ii) an extension to allow for large-scale state-channel networks.


The ForceMove framework takes a pragmatic approach to state channels directly funded by on-chain deposits: sacrificing generality of the supported applications, for simplicity in the on-chain and off-chain logic. In particular, the framework can't (yet) support any applications that have state transitions whose validity depends on time, or other properties that are external to the channel's state. For example, as it currently stands, you couldn't build a state channel sports betting game, where bets have to be made by a deadline and the winner is determined through an oracle feed.

A full description of the framework and it's capabilities can be found in our whitepaper.

Nitro and the nitro-adjudicator

Nitro protocol subsumes and extends ForceMove by allowing for ledger channels (which can allocate funds to other state channels) and virtual channels (which allow intermediaries to help other state-channel-network users open and close channels off-chain).

A full description of the framework and it's capabilities can be found in our second whitepaper.

The nitro-adjudicator supports an arbitrary number of state channels, and introduces new on-chain functions to manage state channel networks. We are currently working on an upgrading our example applications to run in ledger and virtual channels, as well as upgrading our channel wallet to help manage multiple channels in the network.


This repository is split into packages, the first two of which are published as independent node modules.

Package Description
fmg-core Contracts and js libraries for the protocols' rules and states
fmg-nitro-adjudicator Implementation of on-chain adjudicator capable of supporting the Nitro protocol
fmg-payments Example: payment channel built on the framework


This project is still a work in progress! Still to do in the short term:

  • Publish packages to npm.
  • Release whitepaper
  • Build out full example applications (including UI) RPS and TTT.
  • Optimize contracts for gas consumption.
  • More tests to demonstrate the simple adjudicator.
  • Audit contracts.

In the medium term:

🚨 WARNING: This code is not production ready. 🚨


We welcome contributions and feedback from the community! We'll be putting together some more-comprehensive contributing guidelines shortly. In the meantime, issues and PRs welcome!


We use lerna to manage the packages inside the repository and truffle for smart contract development.

To get started:

  1. Download the repo.
  2. Install lerna: npm install -g lerna.
  3. Install truffle: npm install -g truffle.
  4. Install ganache.
  5. Run lerna bootstrap anywhere in the project.
  6. Within a package, run npm test for that package's tests. Or, run it from the project root to test both fmg-core and fmg-simple-adjudicator.

NOTE: while the above instructions use globally installed lerna and truffle node modules, the tests running on circleci use dev dependencies, and may therefore produce different results.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.